Monday, January 1, 2007

Sophie's New Year Eve (In Photo's)

"I woke up at 6am( far too early apparently) so daddy made me do 20 press up's as punishment"

"A quick shot of me looking all cute for the camera before I have breakfast "

"If you look real close you can see my two bottom teeth coming through...pretty clever aye!"

"Me showing how proud I am for getting two teeth!"

"Charlie the cat hates me, so mummy and daddy try and keep us seperated...I still managed to taunt him through the glass though"

"I'm sure Charlie's out there somewhere?...come on Let Me Out!!!!"

"My special New Years Eve treat...1 whole strawberrry!!, thanks guys...I saw the piss you guys had stashed away for tonight and this is all I get??"

MUMMY AND DADDY: "Right, time for bed now Sophie, it's 6 O' Clock" SOPHIE: No!...I want to stay up till midnight and see the new year in like you both...It sucks sometimes being a baby!"

...and here's Mumy and Daddy enjoying a bottle of wine outside while I cry and try and make them feel bad for not keeping me awake...I don't think it worked though, they look like they're enjoying themselves...oh well there's always next year!


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