Friday, September 22, 2006

The Week That Was

It’s been a bit of a busy week so apologies for not updating this thing.

Firstly it was great to catch up with my sister Nicky in the weekend. I didn’t realize that the poor thing hadn’t even given Sophie a cuddle until then!...Sophie was glad to finally meet her Auntie properly too.

Sophie continues to grow and change daily, she still has the odd day of not wanting to sleep or else waking us in the middle of the night (well Ingrid actually, I never hear her! …it must be that motherly instinct kicking in at the slightest sound) but generally she’s a happy wee thing. Lots of smiles and giggles mixed in with the cutest baby noises.

The Baby Circle..10 points if you find Sophie

I had to go out Wednesday night for a work function and didn’t get home till late (or early the day as Ingrid likes to put it) – then I got up early for work the next day, so I missed out on seeing her for over a day and half!…it sounds cheesy, but it felt like I hadn’t seen her for days!When I got home the following night though, Sophie greeted me with some HUGE gummy grins and no matter how shit of a day you've had, you sure forget about it pretty quickly with a welcome like that.

This Sunday will be interesting, we’re off to see INXS play and it’ll be the first time we’ve been out together as a couple. Steve, (Ingrid’s brother) is coming around to baby-sit and I think her Dad and Carol (up from the Hawkes Bay) are popping in too. So Sophie will be in great hands while we're out….but I bet you, Ingrid will still be on tender hooks for the whole night though!


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