Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Tuesday update

Not a lot happening today. Coffee group is now happening twice a week for those who have the time as other commitments are making it harder for us all to get together on the same day each week, so it made sense to hold it twice a week, that way we don’t all get caught up in day to day life and neglect our friends, as that is too easy to do. Coffee group is a life saver for me (and probably the other mums too) as it’s a great way to sound ideas or to discuss baby worries and to just have a good old catch up and gossip. Its funny as when I was pregnant we were both kind of against ante-natal, we thought it would just be awkward and useless, and to be honest we really didn’t think that we would meet any people that we would have anything in common with, but funnily enough, just having a baby gives you that common group and now we are forging some really good friends. Anyway today’s coffee group consisted of just myself and Sophie and Fiona and Kaela!

Sophie has been just lovely today, full of her usual beans, laughing lots and talking away to herself, I think she’s going to be a bit of a talker! Gosh she’s just so lovely and it’s a pleasure looking after her. We still have the odd day that’s hard work and I am exhausted by the end of the day, but that’s not unusual, I have always been a big sleeper and if I don’t get eight hours then I am no good to anyone, I think that is why I found the early days so hard, trying to survive on five or six hours of sleep as I was just buzzing all the time and found it really, really difficult to get some shut eye. Now that Sophie is sleeping through the night it makes all the difference – maybe she takes after me in that she needs lots of sleep too. As a mother staying at home as the main guardian and educator you do question whether you are teaching your little one well enough, and hope that they grow up to be well rounded, intelligent adults, but to be on the safe side I plan on enrolling her in as many educational classes as I can, just so she doesn’t have to rely on me to learn all that she needs to – hopefully that way she will do much better at school than I did and have a better career options too.

P.S…Brad Here

Ingrid forgot to mention we both had a crap sleep last night, it had nothing to do with Sophie…it was the burglar we had at middle of the night.

Ingrid awoke with a hell of a fright just after 2:30am and woke me up in the process saying “I just heard Charlie’s cat box get kicked!”…I was trying to be cool, calm and collected and said "it was nothing...you’re hearing things", but then we both noticed Charlie sitting at the end of the bed looking like a possum caught in the headlights of an oncoming vehicle…that put the shits up us indeed...

So after listening for a few minutes in dead silence and hearing nothing, I had to do the right thing and get up and investigate. Armed with nothing more than a pair of underpants and a mobile phone for protection, I ventured downstairs ready to defend my house and family (actually I was shit scared and wondered how I could inflict serious bodily damage with my crappy phone as a weapon!)…I searched the place for 10 minutes, found nothing and went back to bed…in saying that, the rest of the night we both woke at the slightest noise.

As it turns out, it wasn’t a big bad intruder, or even a stray animal that had found it’s way into the house…the culprit?...A set of car keys that had fallen of the key-hook and landed slap bang in the middle of cat tray and had knocked it over!…and to think, it was one of the few times I had actually put the car keys in the right place and it still ended up causing carnage!

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