Saturday, August 12, 2006

Sophie's new sit-ups.

It’s kind of freaky just how quickly Sophie is growing. It seems like every day she is picking up something new, there’s lots of giggles on a daily basis and now she’s taken to doing sit-ups! must be the start of her trying to roll or something, but soon as you lie her on her back now she does these weird stomach crunches and tries to sit up!...Her little baby abs are getting as hard as rocks now too.

The three of us all bathed together tonight too, that was pretty cool. Sophie really loves the deep water and kicks and squeals with a permanent grin on her face each time she gets in now. We had a look at a couple of open homes today and I carried Sophie around, rather than lugging around the baby carrier thing, she seemed to lap up all the attention from everyone around her and gave people a couple of cheeky smiles.
Sophie's tummy time
I need to spend most of the day at work tomorrow. I held a big research evening last week and needed to have around 110 people there to make the sample worth while, I ended up with around 70, so tomorrow I need to hold an additional research day to make up the numbers…suck, bound to miss Sophie doing something new for the first time again.

A picture of me almost 20 years ago!...Destined to work at The Rock at 13 years old!.


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