Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Good Day

Today Sophie has been the perfect angel (so far anyway, fingers crossed), after a bit of an unsettled day yesterday she has gone to bed happy and off to sleep nice and easily. Lets hope it stays that way for the rest of the evening and into the night, so we all get a good nights sleep. My mum, Nicci, has come up to help out for a couple of days and has been fabulous at just getting those horrid jobs out of the way that I just haven’t had time to do and even let me go out for an hour to do the shopping! Although that was a strange feeling as I kept thinking I had left something behind and couldn’t wait to get home to see her, luckily she slept right through and didn’t miss me at all! So here is how today shaped up from midnight last night.
Yes Brad made me wear his smelly hat because I hadn't done my hair!
3am Sophie woke for feed, put back down to sleep at 4am
6am Sophie woke for feed, far to early as far as I was concerned as she normally sleeps for four hours at night, but she was adamant she wanted to eat and then play, so back down to sleep at 7.30am
8.30am Sophie decided she was going to wake up again, but I was not having any of it and decided she was going to stay in bed until a proper time had lapsed for feeding, rocked her off to sleep
11.15am Sophie woke for feed, had a bit of a play, we laughed at the faces she pulled and back down to sleep at 12.45pm
3.30pm Sophie woke for feed, had a bit of a play and went back down to bed at 5pm
8.30 we had to wake Sophie for a feed, she had her fill and started to fall asleep. so back off to bed at 9.15pm and so far not a murmer out of her.
Brad is off playing cricket and due back in at 11pm, so he can do her late night feed while I get a few hours sleep before starting all over again, a bit like groundhog day!
Three generations of girls
In between the feeds, I managed to get the shopping done, help mum with a couple of chores, have a shower, get a 20min nap in and actually have some lunch! Still didn’t get the chance to do my hair or put any make up on, but hopefully as soon as she starts to sleep through the night a bit more I will get the energy to do just that!

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