Sunday, June 18, 2006

Coffee Group Girls

Thursday coffee group on Sunday
The above photo was taken at our last coffee group, which we all wished was in Greece as the backdrop would suggest, but alas it was taken at our local café in Birkenhead, Auckland. Our coffee group is a great outlet for us girls to get together and discuss any issues good or bad and to toss around ideas, we all hope that sometime soon in the future, it will turn into the wine group, just like the daddies get to do the same at beer group! So to introduce some of the group from the front and running clockwise is:
Fiona (holding her lovely daughter Kaela)

Hopefully as time goes on and the babies get bigger we can actually get photos of mums and bubs too, but at this stage if they are asleep then they stay where they are (usually in their carseats), because trying to get a baby back to sleep when out and about is almost impossible!


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