Friday, May 26, 2006

Plunket Day

Mother and daughter
We went along to Plunket today to try and find an answer to the million dollar question “How do you get babies to sleep?” But yet again we were told something completely different from all the other so called experts. The Plunket chick said that we shouldn’t let Sophie cry for any longer than 10 minutes, then go into the rock and rock her bassinet for 5-10 minutes and repeat the procedure 2-3 times mixed in with the odd pick up and ‘winding check’, if she’s still crying after all that then she’s obviously still hungry.

So far so good, little Sophie has slept well this afternoon after 30 minutes of rocking and more burping and has gone to sleep this evening without any hassles. Too early yet to say this will work all the time, but it sure does seem a far more civil way of getting her to sleep than allowing her to scream for hours on end until she does eventually drift off.

Lots of other conflicting advice we were told too regarding waking them for feeding, keeping them awake etc. The one common factor everyone does say though is ‘do what’s right for you and what works best for baby’ kidding, we would have never thought of that...


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