Friday, July 9, 2010

More Skytower fun with Daddy

"Daddy took the afternoon off work on Wednesday and took me up to the Skytower - He told me there was a big lollie display up there...and I like lollies!"
"Yip - I know where these stairs lead to - the Skytower!"
"Just a wee bit excited before going up the lift to the top floor"
Check this out - the highest lollie shop in the world apparently! - Did I mention I like lollies?
Daddy tried to tell me this stuff was nice -I told him it was like eating Charlie's fur...but I still ate it.
"I do like the Skytower."

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Haircuts & Birthdays

Sophie had her very first hair-cut last week.  The salon is right across the road from Kids Klub so it was nice and easy for Ingrid to drop Max off there, and then take a very excited little girl in to the hairdressers.
Soph had a blast too and lapped up every minute she had there! She got a full hair wash and all the trimmings and absolutely LOVED staring at herself in the mirror for almost 30 minutes!
"Wow this is pretty cool"
"Check out how long my hair is!"
"Wot-chu you lookin' at?"
It was my 26th (oops 36th) birthday on the same day so Sophie was extra pumped that day - a first hair cut and cupcakes to look forward to that night! - It worked out well; Grantz was staying for a few days so after cupcakes with the kids that night, Ingrid and I went out on a hot date. The following morning was a little tough though; think we both had 1 too many that night...
Soph has been around at a friends playing all morning today which has been great for her (and us, as it's given Ingrid and I some rare 1 on 1 time with Max which had been pretty cool ).
"You eat it Daddy"
"I know I've got some in my mouth - but I reckon I can do more" - thinks Max
"more please"
My two gorgeous girls

Little video of us all singing "Happy Birthday Daddy"
