Saturday, July 18, 2009

Moving on out

Max and Soph's parents...a couple of nut jobs!.
In less than 10 days we will be gone and we haven't even started packing yet! We've decided to rent a house for 6 months or so, or until we find a place that ticks all the boxes (to be fair, there are bugger all properties on the market at the moment, so no wonder we got a good offer on ours).
The new place isn't too far from where we are now- but that's where the similarities end - The rental is brand spanking new (in fact it's still not quite finished yet) - it's 2 stories, has 3 bedrooms and a study, not a great deal of land, but there is grass and enough of it for Sophie to play outside - but the best part...the neighbourhood is very quiet and the place is nowhere near a main road!
The kids are well - hard to believe Max is already 5 months! - Gonna start him on solids when he gets to 6 months and hopefully by then we can drop the 10pm dream feed. We've tried dropping it now, but he's not quite ready - so better to feed him at that time and have him sleep though night, than wake up at 3am starving.
As you can see in the photo at the top of the page, Ingrid and I got dressed up and headed out to a themed Rockstar/Popstar night. It was a mate from works' 30th and pretty much the first night we've been out for longer than a quick meal since Max's was born - so thanks again sis for babysitting!
We had a great night too - I went along as the gay construction worker frm the Village People and Ingrid was decked out like Cher - I ever won a meat pack for my costume! The venue was a private bar in the middle of Aucklands's one of the more seedy areas of town - so you could imagine how strange we both looked leaving the place well after midnight...still in full coustume (and a little light on the feet by that stage) I was also lugging a huge box of meat on my shoulder, and we were on our way, walking towards a cab when a police car pulled up besdide us - as they slowed down we could see the coppers inside pissing themselves!...cheeky buggers...

Sunday, July 5, 2009


It still seems a surreal - in a little over three weeks we may be homeless...
Yip, we sold the house yesterday and the funny thing is, the place wasn't even on the market! Secondly, we weren't even thinking of selling at the moment...I think someone spiked our drinks and we went loopy for a 24 hours...
Could this be us in three weeks? - the new owners move in on July 31 and we haven't even started looking at other properties yet...just as well our Holden is comfy I suppose...
We told Max we sold the house...his look said it all.
"You've got to be joking right?"