Quick update on the past couple of weeks in the King household
- Max is sleeping through the night from 10:30/11:00pm - 7:00am (he has the occasional wake up at 4am but a quick dummy in his gob and a re-wrap and he's back asleep)
- Ingrid had her 37th birthday yesterday - we had little cup-cakes after Kids Klub which Sophie LOVED! - and Soph also made Mummy a nice big heart present too.
- Ingrid got pretty crook last weekend so Nic took Sophie out to her place for the day and night - thanks sis - a life-saver.
- Sophie has only fallen out of her new bed twice so far.
- Soph's flaming nappy-rash has come back with a vengeance...the past couple of nights dealing with this mixed in with 'number 2's' have been nothing short of soul destroying...the docs seem to have no answer as to why it re-appears so often.
- Max is talking (well, goo-ing and garr-ing) a lot more and cracking more smiles - and he still loves his baths with his big sister...and Soph loves 'em too!
- Sophie turns 3 on Monday - we're having a party with heaps of her friends from Kids Klub and a few from Coffee Group - the party is Cinderella themed - and Sophie is pretty damned excited about it!
- Check out a Little video of Max King (smiling too) here!