Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Sophie's first grown up meal

As mentioned in an earlier post, Sophie is little Miss independent and wants to eat whatever Mummy and daddy are eating, so Sunday night we gave her a proper meal:
  • Little kiddies fish bites
  • Potatoes
  • Kumera
  • Pumpkin (Yuck!)
  • Beans
  • Broccoli

Sophie had a great time with the food and it kept her quiet for over 30 minutes!...She got around 10% in her tummy and 90% splattered around the kitchen...

A meal fit for a King (excuse the pun)

Looking all proud now she's eating grown-up style.

Lets see how much food I can actually stuff into my mouth!

Shot of the 2 of us at the park with the swans and ducks...Sophie was squeeling with excitment!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Happy Sophie...and 2 front teeth

A big week, Sophie's two front teeth have come through with a vengence. It's making life a lot easier for her to now to eat properly too. But now she's become even more independent and doesn't want anybody to feed her...except herself of course, so needless to say the kitchen looks like a bombsite every time she eats.
Ingrid has taken Sophie to day-care a couple of times to get her used to it (only 1-week to go). Initially she had a ball, but the second time around all the kids huddled around and surrounded her with pure excitment, given there was a new kid in town. Sophie lost it a bit then, but we're both sure she will love the place after a couple of weeks.
She is standing up by herself quite a lot now too. Sometimes for 10 seconds or more without falling over...very clever Sophie. We've had to put locks on all the cupboards and store away all the CD's and DVD's too, she is now simply into everything.
Check out my two front teeth coming through

At the park patting a freindly dog

Some other baby was playing on my swing, so daddy put me on the grown up swing

Showing how clever I am standing up in the bath

Big smiles for the camera

Playing peek-a-boo with the camera

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Day-light saving's ends...& Sophie hates it.

Sophie's two top teeth have been coming through these past couple of weeks which hasn't been particularly pleasant for her, she developed a niggling cold, got the shits real bad which in turn resulted in some horrible nappy rash...and just when we thought it was all over, good old day light savings ends which has mucked up her sleeping pattern real good!

Sophie didn't want a bar of sleeping today at all, so we packed her up in the car and headed off for a drive. Just as we were ready to come back home to feed, bath and put her to bed, the poor wee thing fell asleep in the car! Sophie then became well confused when we tried to feed her, which then resulted in her losing the plot for a good 30 minutes...

She wasn't cranky all day...he she is looking all cute, while having a mid morning coffee with mummy and daddy at a cafe

Sophie eventually calmed down after her evening bath with mummy and then went to bed without a peep...whew! Fingers crossed she has a decent sleep and is back on track tomorrow.

Ingrid is going to take her along to Daycare a couple of times this week to slowly introduce her into it; it's now only two weeks until Ingrid goes back to work part-time. She'll be working 5 hours a day from 10am-3pm Mon-Fri. I'm sure Sophie though will lap up the extra attention from all the care-givers and kids there.


Monday, March 12, 2007

Rockstars, nana's, short haircuts and dogs

Plenty has happened in the last week. Mum popped up for the weekend, I cut my hair off, Ingrid got to meet Tommy Lee and Sophie played with a big dog at the park.
Sophie's groupie mum try to sleaze on Tommy Lee (left) with me (her Husband!) and Lucas Rossi The Singer
It was nice for Sophie to spend some time with her Nana over the weekend, she really does enjoy additional people around her; and the two of them had a great old time together. Mum kept on drawing the short straw though and had to change number two’s throughout the weekend…Ingrid and I planned that well.

Sophie has all of a sudden developed a new thing…she goes to bed without issue through the daytime, but come final bedtime after dinner…and all hell breaks loose. She’s not silly, and knows exactly what’s going on now, soon as you say “right time for bed Sophie!”…the bottom lip drops, the tears come on and she quickly turns from a happy contented little angel to something out of a Stephen King novel. It’s really bizarre; she absolutely screams her little heart out for a good 20-30 minutes and then eventually drifts off to sleep. We haven’t caved in though, so I hope she gets the message sooner rather than later.

Nana and Sophie enjoying time together
I popped in to the hairdressers in the weekend to get a bit of a trim and decided then and there that I may as well get the lot chopped off. Last time I had long hair and cut it short, I hated it, and ended up growing it back again…this time I’m pretty sure I’ll leave it short…ish. Sophie did do a double take when she saw me then gave me her smile of approval afterwards.

Sophie has had lots of park trips this past week or so and Saturday she got to play with a big old dog down at The Birkenhead Park. She really digs animals and the dog was really friendly and Sophie was on cloud nine giggly away and giving it big pats on the back, very cute.

Sophie, her dad (with the new haircut) and a big old dog at the park
This morning I had a lovely surprise at work, Ingrid popped in looking extremely hot, I thought “ohh this is nice, the wife’s come in to say hello and take me out for a coffee while Nana is at home with Sophie” not the case though. Ingrid caught wind that Tommy Lee was coming into the studio for an interview and wanted a piece of the action. Ingrid got to say hello, grab a photo, then bailed home again…


Tuesday, March 6, 2007

I guess Ingrid didn't update the blog then aye?

I have to take my hat off to Lee in Aussie, who manages to update his blog without fail everyday. I was going to write some lame-arse excuse about the computer being down recently, but the reality is, it’s bloody hard work trying to update this everyday.

Sophie is now 10 months old and her top 2 teeth have just started to come through, that explains why she has been little miss grumpy pants these past few days I ‘spose.

We took her along to Steve and Maria’s (Ingrid’s bro and his misses) place in the weekend. They have a very cool pool in their apartment block so we decided to take Sophie for a swim. The poor thing got freaked out because it was pretty cold, then really lost it when Steve and Ingrid dived in and went under the water. She obviously had no idea what was going on and lost the plot big time, so a bit of a bummer that her first real pool/swimming experience was a complete disaster.

She’s still moving around a million miles and hour though and is right into climbing over everything at the moment. If Ingrid or I are sitting on the floor, Sophie will make a direct bee-line towards us and end up crawling completely over the top of us to get where she wants to go!

I played cricket out in Drury on Sunday (we kicked their arse too by the way) and Ingrid and Sophie came out for a bit, to cheer The Rock team on which was pretty cool. Then later on when I got home (after crushing the other team) Sophie was being Miss Cuddly. I was sitting on the bean-bag with her for a good 20 minutes while we both played, ate, and had a good old chat together. Normally Sophie will have a quick cuddle with you, and then be off again, so that 20 minutes we had chilling out together with her on my lap was pretty sweet.

Sophie and Daddy chilling out on the bean bag together


Sunday, March 4, 2007

Sophie's (almost) first swim...and a game of cricket

The blog has been down for a while sorry - Ingrid can tell you about Sophie's first swim tomorrow...

ps. We had a game of cricket out in South Auckland today and we whipped them. Sophie and Ingrid came out to cheer us on too.